Monday, November 28, 2016

Vintage midi skirt

Y'all know I'm all about vintage clothing right? I got this printed vintage midi skirt a while ago and I've always wanted to cut it to at least knee length, but on a second thought i tried this look on and It fits perfectly.
I paired it with a denim shirt, a vintage clutch and slippers, my little afro also helped to achieve a complete vintage look. Go ahead and leave your comments let me know what you think of this look.

Ps I will be discussing and giving tips on how to wear vintage on my next post.

Monday, November 21, 2016


I sat through a heartbreaking story earlier today not knowing just the right words to say to comfort this person, i just sat still staring into thin air. She just narrated a story of not having someone to pay her fees through school, she is very uncertain how her future will turn out because her two elder siblings didn't have to go to the university because there was no money and nobody to give them. She did have big dreams am not sure i had at her age. Well, you might read this and think that they are lazy and should find something doing, you may even go ahead to argue and list people that went through the same thing and paid their way through school without money or a sponsor, but I advise you look closely in to their story, there is some sort of help they had.

This story reminded me how blessed I am in the midst of my issues, also taught me that I should never complain about anything whatsoever.

I am thankful for my family, friends and everybody God has used to bring me to where I am today. I'm thankful for life, good health and for the grace of God in my life, I'm grateful for my success story no matter how little it is or sounds.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What's style lately about?

This question about what the blog is about has been coming in and I had to dedicate a whole post to it. I am going to list out these questions and try to answer them one after the other.

1. What is style lately about?
Style lately is like my diary where I write and post pictures about my personal style which is more of a retro, laid back and vintage kinda thing. Don't get me wrong, you can also see me on Gothic, minimalist, high fashion and all that.
Style lately is mostly a fashion blog more than lifestyle. I will be posting on makeup, skin care, my daily hair routine since my hair is natural and throwing in some motivational posts here too

2. What do you intend to achieve with the blog?
Well, my dream is bigger than just starting out a blog. I hope to build a fashion empire and my brand through the blog.
I'm also looking forward to collaborating with other fashion bloggers such as Cassie Daves of, grace alex of and mostly other Nigerian fashion brands.

Now you know what style lately is about, please leave your comments below, let me know some other ideas you think I should add or whatever fashion piece you would like me to style.

Ps: I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Style post: Boyfriend jean and Notes (Rejection)

Have you ever trusted someone who is clearly in a position to help you get either a job, house, that contract, a promotion and that person disappoints you? This person might not be so distant from you, I'm talking about your brother, sister, parents, uncle or aunt.
Let me put it in a particular Nigerian situation, your father is the CEO of a particular group which can be a company and it's an easy access for you to get a job in that company. You might end up not even asking him because you feel that job is yours already, then all of a sudden, you receive the shock that you didn't get the job, I mean how possible is that?
Well,  I have been rejected by people who I taught could help me severally. I have trusted people so much for something, then they let me down till I realized that I should only trust God for whatever it is- the job, house, promotion e.t.c.
The bible clarified this in psalms 146:3- 'put not your trust in princes, nor the son of men, in whom there is no help'
I hope this rejection note helped you!

Today's style post is all about the boyfriend jean. I decided to put together 3 different ways you can style the boyfriend jean. For my first look, I wore a pair of brogues, a vintage shirt and the fedora hat. I went all denim for the second look where I paired the boyfriend jean with a denim shirt, denim biker jacket then white sneakers giving this whole look a cool kid kinda vibe.
You can go ahead and raid your boyfriend's closet and pair yours with his shirt which can be any color, I chose white anyway and I paired this final look with some sexy red heels.
Go ahead and tell me what you think. Which is your best look? Which look would you try?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Style post: vintage fashion

Yaaaayyy! ! Am super excited to be posting on my blog for the first time and I hope y'all feel the same way too. Let's jump right in to the vintage post.I got all of this outfit from thrift and I loved this shirt immediately I saw it, I had five ways I could style it in my head but I finally settled with a pair of jean shorts and the diy knee length yeezy boots. Well, if you follow me on instagram,(you should go follow on _zuggy) I already styled this vintage shirt once, when I had to meet up with a friend for lunch.
Yeah, so go ahead and tell me what you think about this look.
Pictures below